Configure & Upload Test Batch

minusConfigure AutoMail® for use with eDocs

There are two (2) basic steps necessary in preparing AutoMail® before eDocs can be tested.

Put simply, any AutoMail® Batch containing at least 500 "qualifying address" mailpieces. Select a Batch which has already been processed, by choosing Open Batch > Recent Pending. This is merely a test and will not affect this prior mailing at all. Determine the Batch and we'll come back to actually utilizing this in a few moments.








Before uploading, you'll need to ensure some fields are populated in AutoMail®.


You'll need the following information as you configure AutoMail® for testing:

Some information may already be populated.

oMailer ID - found in 'Business Customer Gateway' > look under 'Designe & Prepare' heading > select Mailer ID'.
oPermit Number - found on 'Business Customer Gateway' > 'Account Services' heading > 'Manage Permits' > select your organization's name.
oCRID - (Customer Reference Identification) found on 'Business Customer Gateway' > 'Account Services' heading > 'Manage Permits'.
Your Mailer ID, Permit Number, and CRID are all displayed when you login to the USPS Business Customer Gateway site.


1.From the 'Batch Menu' select Mailer Info > Permit Holder / Mailer and ensure the following fields are populated.
i.ZIP+4 (must match 'Location Mailing From' ...NOT your physical address)
ii.Permit Number
iii.Mailer ID
NOTE: If the Mailing Agent field, Mailing Prepared For field, and / or Publisher fields are populated they MUST also contain



2.Select Presort from the left-side 'Batch Menu'.
3.Change Intelligent Mail Service Type to 'FullService'.


4.Click on Mailer Info so that you can populate the 'Entry Locale Key'.
a.If a ZIP Code is already stored in the ZIP field, under Location Mailing From: heading, you'll need to click the find_locale_key_button button.
b.If a ZIP Code is NOT already stored, enter the ZIP code from which your mailing will be sent. That is, the ZIP Code of the local post office you are mailing from.
It is possible that multiple matches will be found, as shown below. If only a single facility exists, the Entry Locale Key: field will be populated accordingly.


If this occurs, click find_locale_key_button to be presented with a list to select the closest / best match


Simply high-light the desired facility, and click select
The Entry Local Key: will be populated, accordingly, based on your selection.


5.Save Profile



NOTE: Mailer info and full service must be changed/set for ALL Profiles



Configure Tray Tags:

It is also necessary to modify the tray tags created after switching to the eDocs method of Postage Statement upload. Here's how to do it.

NOTE: The below steps will be effective for ALL Profiles configured in AutoMail®.


1.Create a New Batch.
2.Select Print Reports from the Batch Menu.
3.In the Tray/Sack Tags section of the screen, click Options.


4.Select Create New Label


5.Name the label "FS IMb".


6.After creating the new label, and with the label already selected, click the Modify button


7.Depending on your version of AutoMail®, configure the new label as shown below

AutoMail® v7


AutoMail® v8


8.Click OK when finished.
9.Click OK to close out Tray Tag Options window
10.Your new label, FS IMb, will be selected
11.Click Save Profile.








minusConfigure eDocs for Batch Upload

NOTE: BE SURE that AutoMail® is CLOSED before proceeding.



With eDocs successfully installed (refer to Install eDocs section) launch the application via Start > All Programs or via Desktop Shortcut.






1.In Master Inputs Location indicate the path to the AutoMail® installation directory.
ofor Windows XP = C:\Program Files\SynTel\AutoMail Pro 8\
ofor Windows 7 = C:\Users\Public\SynTel\AutoMail Pro 8\
Installation drive and / or path may vary with your installation. To determine installation path right-click on Desktop AutoMail® icon > Properties ...then observe path displayed.


2.Username / password MUST contain your credentials used to access USPS' Business Customer Gateway.


3.Set Max Attempts: field to 25. Set Time Between Attempts: field to 5.


4.Click on Advanced


5.Set 'Runtime Environment' to Testing (TEM)


6.Select Save to close and save the 'Settings' window.







minusUpload A Batch using eDocs
1.Open a Batch for testing from the eDocs application.
oSelect File > Open > then simply select the Batch, which you identified earlier, for testing

Example 1


Example 2




2.Click the Open button.
3.Ensure that you see the test_mode indication in the main interface, as shown below.
4.Select Process to upload a Batch (mailing)


5.When uploading Batch information is completed you'll observe the following in this same interface.




If you receive the below error, instead of a successful upload as shown above, it is indication that fields populated in the AutoMail® Mailer Info section DO NOT match those in your USPS Business Customer Gateway account.



Contact the USPS PostalOne! HelpDesk via e-mail or at 1-800-522-9085 Opt 3 & 6, if you need assistance logging into your account OR if you need assistance locating items mentioned in bullet points 2 - 4 just below.
2.Ensure the Mailer ID recorded is the same as recorded in AutoMail® Mailer Info > Permit Holder / Mailer.
3.Ensure your USPS Permit(s) is linked to your USPS Mailer ID.
4.Ensure ZIP code recorded in AutoMail® Mailer Info > Permit Holder / Mailer is the same as recorded in your USPS Business Customer Gateway account. This should be the local post office ZIP Code in which you mail from.



Click on message bubble beside error to see the following indication:

Message: Open/CloseMailingGroup: Unknown response type: AM_EDOCS.UspsMailing12A_TEM.Fault








