Site Reports

Site Reports can contain three categories: Account Receivables, Audit Logs, and Error Logs.


Accounts Receivables

If you receive payments through the site you can produce a report to show traffic. This report will create a PDF you can

save off. We can create custom reports for accounting software upon request.



Audit Logs

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Audit Logs provide administrator users, with appropriate rights, to search through changes made on the system. Audit Logs can

show when users log in, when they change security settings, make a payment, and much more. This is a great feature

when trying to determine exactly what an end user was doing.



Error Logs

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Error Logs is very similar to Audit Logs. Error Logs is reports for errors received on the system. You can drill down to the

specific user and the error they received. This tool is helpful when a customer calls indicating an error on the screen.
