Account availability to DocMaster system: First, a bit of understanding is in order regarding the nature of when a customer’s account data is sent to the DocMaster system. Users financial account information is populated via statement / cycle drop. If a customer signs up for DocMaster but has not yet had a statement drop …the administrator can either (a)wait for the next cycle to drop, or (b)go into the user’s account settings (User Administration > Edit User > User Accounts) and create the specific account for the customer in question. Then the administrator could go ahead and connect the account. Once the next statement drop occurs the account will simply be updated with the index file data.
Time delay of relating financial accounts with an DocMaster user account: Secondly, the user’s account availability also depends on the financial institution’s process for readying, or tying accounts to, the user’s account. Naturally, there will be some degree of time before the financial institution’s DocMaster administrator has opportunity to link accounts to the actual user login.
Inherent security within the process: This human intervention also serves as an intended layer of “security”. The requirement of human intervention in the process provides an opportunity for the financial institution to verify the participant’s credentials and relationship with the financial institution. |
At present (default) statements are retained for 365 days from the date of creation. However, this can be set to a different retention, if so desired. |
Yes. As an administrative user account simply click on the desired user’s account in 'User Administration', click Edit under the ‘User Alerts’ section / heading and enable Email on “New User Created via Sign Up”. |